ACRI membership

To be an ACRI member please contact us. The membership benefits are as follows:  access to ACRI’s top distilled breakthrough news in cancer research (1), access to  innovative and advanced clinical data on clinical nutrition and diet (2) access to new advanced  detection and diagnostics techniques for cancer and other related diseases (3), access to ACRI’s  cancer testimonials private closed group (4) and on the latest evidenced-based protocols ACRI Reports (*) that have been shown to be safe, efficient and cost friendly (5).
We are still organizing these services. Students who take the certification courses will be automatic members. And members will automatically be eligible for ACRI’s newsletter.  We are still working on the price determination. There will be one set price of under 250 dollars per year. And a more accessible price for the low-income members who have proof of subsistence wages.
If interested, please contact us below. Thank you.
(*). Our reports are based on our regular participation in cutting edge medical conferences all over the world, on ACRI’s pending clinical trials  and on our team’s diligent  review of the medical litterature.

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