ACR Institute’s Holistic Immunotherapy Protocol’s General Principles

« L’urgence en cancérologie, ce n’est pas d’opérer, mais c’est de traiter les micro métastases. » Prof. POUYARD Institut Curie (“The urgency in oncology is not to use surgery, but to address micro-metastases”)


This HIP Protocol is a 22-steps process based on thousands of empirically observed cancer control improvements and reversals, decades of cancer and biogerontology basic research as well as on a pending CT (clinical trial). (1) To talk about and-or enroll in this Clinical Trial or in the Institute’s Consultation service, consider scheduling a coaching session. 

Purpose & Methodology

The Purpose of the HIP protocol is to help cancer patients by showing that it’s clinically better to address cancer as an accelerated aging disease that can be significantly delayed, in this way, we resolve most chronic diseases while giving the patient a few extra decades of quality Life. 

While it is possible to reprogram the human genome and epigenetics to avoid metastatic cachexia, humans can’t entirely eradicate the formation of cancer cells and their tumor niches. In the same way, humans can’t entirely eradicate the unfolding of their proteins or the waning of their immune systems, these and other biological processes are part of the aging process, of Life itself. But what the Institute can help cancer and other chronically ill patients with is on how to delay and mitigate over a dozen aging biological processes while optimizing a vibrant and healthy lifespan to the 110-120 years potential.

In this perspective, the Institute’s general approach is to help the patient with restoring general homeostasis (balance) and vitality. When the soil’s immune system is clean, diversified and rich in nutrients, when the rain and the air are pristine and the Sun generous, flowers and plants are better able to make powerful biomolecules that can fend off predatory attacks and repair damages. In the same way, with the Institute’s Twelve Fundamentals and the mini-protocols below, the patient’s milieu and immune system are restored, to the point of being able to clear cancer cells and other pathological conditions.

CTC and CSC tests are a great way to monitor this holistic approach. The more the patient is compliant to an individualized holistic protocol that incorporates as much of the HIP protocol as possible, the better will be these above-mentioned and other test results. Both the circulatory tumor cells and the cancer stem cells will diminish. These are the dangerous cells that can metastize. Not the intra-tumor cells conventional oncology is obsessed with.

What is the HIP protocol ?

The HIP initials stand for holistic immunotherapy protocol. It’s central mechanism of action is based on tweaking the immune-surveillance system so that the dendritic, cyto-toxic T & N.K. cells can better recognize  cancer cells and clear them.

Cracking the Holistic Code that governs both Cancer malignant growth &  regeneration-based Life Extensions

“Scientists have focused their attention on centenarians as optimal model to address the biological mechanisms of “successful and unsuccessful ageing”. They are equipped to reach the extreme limits of human life span and, most importantly, to show relatively good health, being able to perform their routine daily life and to escape fatal age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer…”. Immun Ageing. 2012 Apr 23;9(1):8

Accelerated aging is the most important risk factor for tumorigenesis. More than 60% of new cancers and more than 70% of cancer deaths occur in elderly subjects  who are 65 years or more. The immune system plays an important role in both aging and cancer development. Deleterious alterations to the immune response  happens with non holistic living, trauma and aging, what is called immunosenescence.

The ARC Institute’s HIP protocol success is based on the modulation of immunosenescence and a few other pathways. The correct holistic modulation of these pathways enhances the ability of the immune system to clear both cancer and senescent cells. The HIP’s protocol’s innovative techniques not only clear both cancer and senescent cells from human tissues, but other deleterious molecules, thanks to which the longevity candidate can benefit from a supercentenarian happy and healthy lifespan. In terms of biogerontology, a supercentenarian lifespan means that the candidate has reached 110 years of life. A holistic supercentenarian lifespan means that the candidate has reached 110 years of Life without debilitating chronic diseases that significantly impact one’s “Joie de Vivre” (enjoyment of Life) and physical activities.

As we show in the Institute’s Optimal Longevity Master Classes, once the immune system is holistically restored and epigenetically tweaked with other bodily systems and in a way that is consistent with biology and human evolutionary genetics,  cancer and aging (senescent) cells  as well as ectopic endometrial, ectopic calcification and ectopic cholesterol are better controlled and cleared. And this happens without the damaging stresses of conventional oncology, including, but not limited to cytotoxic chemo, ionic burning radiation and to a lesser extent oncological surgery and other molecular targeted drugs and  engineered immunotherapeutics.  When patients embrace this HIP protocol with enthusiasm and diligence, cancer patients start looking and feeling younger and stronger while achieving the NED (no evidence of disease) status cancer-wise. (2)

As this HIP performance is achieved, more often than not, cancer cells start melting away via the apoptosis-necrosis mechanisms. Cancer cells can also redifferentiate back into the community of mortal somatic cells. Cancer cells don’t only come from toxic living, they can also spontaneously surface from random DNA mutation and even from ectopic calcification and the microbiota (viruses, bacteria and other parasites). They have been evolutionarily part of Life for millions of years. They are super-smart and need to be respect for who they are. Instead of being scared to death via the nocebo and iatrogenic mechanisms, a cancer patient needs to pay attention, to be vigilant and mindful about cancer’s pervasive existence and “raison d’être” (reason of being). They too  have purpose and mystery. One of which is the mystery of their stemness and telomerase-based immortality.

Indeed, up to now, cancer cells are the only cells that have cracked the code of quasi endless longevity. As long as they have food and space, they will replicate without end. And they will do this with extreme force and vitality, breaking down the extracellular matrix (ECM) with their matrix metalloproteinases enzymes (MMPs) and other tools, recruiting immune cells and fibroblasts and spearheading across dozens of biological challenges until they have entirely subdued and conquered the host. Far from being stupid, these cells have figured out how to trigger the off switch of the aging and apoptotic genes. (3) They are so good at this task that they will even delocate, squeeze, burst and repair their DNA-containing nuclei through all sorts of bodily obstacles in order to accomplish their metastatic mission. (4) (Exhibit A)  And the more they are attacked by conventional oncology’s weapons of mass cellular destruction, the stronger and more invasive  their cancer stem cells tend to get. (5) When simple tumor cells (those that have no stemness within) die from man’s toxic and sophisticated weaponry, these tumor cells release interleukin signals that spur circulating tumor cells and cancer stem cells to stay on target, to reinforce their defense and continue the colonization of tissues and organs.

How could they not, given the fact that mainstream oncology experts have exerted few efficient interventions on the tumor’s milieu (what is called the tumor micro-environment) and the body’s metabolism, the most important of which is the immune system, the microbiota and related organ systems. Indeed, we have known for many decades that N.K. and cytotoxic T cells and their signaling partners (dendritic and Toll-like receptor) are capable of removing cancer cells. Yet, until recently, (6) very little has been done in this realm. And when it has, via immune “check-point” inhibitors, (PD1 and CTLA4 drugs) inter alia, there are many expensive side effects, many of which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per cancer patient. (7)

While a subset of cancer patients can benefit from these check-point inhibitor antibodies, these are very expensive (around 120 k and 150 k for one round) and only have skrinkage effects on tumors that have a high mutation burden. These tumors need to be infiltrated by T cells as well as dead cells, inter alia, for these check-point inhibitors to work. The best success has been for melanoma patients, from 20 percent, up to 60 percent can now go into remission with these drugs. A few other cancers like renal, lung, Hodskin, gastric, head, throat cancers that also have a relatively high mutation burden can also respond, though not as well as with melanoma. But the downside of these expensive drugs is autoimmunity. When these immune check point “breaks” are released, the T cells can also attack innocent tissues.

Furthermore, it has also been shown that bacteria from the human microbiota cross-talk with thousands of eukariotic genes, including with human immune cells. These  no less smart  bacteria, who are also billions of years old and precede the emergence of eukariotic cells,  can either help cancer cells to pump out cyto-toxic chemo from cancer cells or fine tune the immune cells for cancer clearance.

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Top: Cancer-free Longevity hotspots in the world: Over a dozen

The Institute’s General  Approach to Cancer Control and Reversal

Instead of conventional oncology’s necrosis-based mass killing strategy, the ACR Institute’s team prefers to use a gentle holistic approach that addresses the restoration and resiliency within the body’s major bodily functions, including, but not limited to the immune system and cellular senescence. (8)

Once this objective is achieved, we focus on the 22 constituent step-by-step mini-protocols that are briefly summarized below. Depending on the person and the cancer, different combinations of the following mini-protocols will be recommended. Some cancer patient can benefit from just a few of these measures, while others need all of them.

Each “section” (mini-protocol) below targets a specific pathway or a series of pathways and signaling molecules that have been proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, to have important “anti-cancer” modulating effects in terms of cancer control and reversal, the most “holistic” impact of which is the activation of signaling pathways that can encourage cancer cells, including cancer stem cells, to redifferentiate back to the Community of healthy mortal cells, to revert back into normality, the normality of programmed death. When this approach is not attainable, the other general reversal strategies are based on cancer’s suicidal apoptosis mechanism, on tissue necrosis and lastly on getting holistically zapped by the T-cells’ endogenous cytotoxic chemicals, followed by phagocytosis, tumor lysis and excretion. (9)

The ACR Institute’s 22 mini Protocols below are but general categories, each of which are made up of different specific techniques, which need to be uniquely applied to each patient, and-or under the guidance of an experienced health professional.

Preliminary Evaluation

Because Holistic Oncology is tailored to the patient’s genome, transcriptome, proteome, microbiome, belief system, emotions and lifestyle, it is first recommended to evaluate the molecular biology of the tumor cell population and, in particular, its CTC and CSC spread (if any). Thanks to these markers, we can monitor the progress of the chosen therapies, both in terms of efficiency and safety. In this field, it is always a good idea to err on the side of caution, to make sure the chosen treatment options are consistent with evidenced-based progress in cancer control and reversal.

Methodological Flaws in Modern Medicine & Oncology

The evidence for  the claims that are invoked in this text are substantiated in the Institute’s pending book, workshops and coaching sessions. Since it’s easy to spin facts with skewed published studies, the reader should always remain skeptical with regard to medical and health claims. But in an enthusiastic, open and common sense way, without which heuristic (discoverable) paths can not lead to fertile findings.  In this regard, the History of Medicine confirms that many of mainstream medicine’s benefical standards come from alternative medical practices that were once denounced as quackery. Furthermore, as we teach in the cancer research methodology workshop, one should not forget that there are many holistic health interventions which can not be tested with a double-blind randomized control trial, if only because the testee, the one who is being tested, knows what he or she is doing when drinking live beet juice or getting heated up in a sauna or relieved with distressing techniques. Double blind RTC are reserved especially for drugs. And these are considered to be the “golden standard” for medical science and government organizations like the CDC and FDA. Just this piece of methodological fallacy discredits much of conventional medicine as being genuinely scientific. Furthermore, most human clinical trials are based on synthetic molecules and tested on healthy individuals. Yet it is the elderly and unhealthy individuals who are prescribed the most synthetic drugs that the liver treats as toxins. Hence, the massive amounts of damages and premature deaths in terms of side or toxic effects. Hence, the Institute’s preference for a more holistic and cost-friendly approach that does not rely on expensive biological violence for the homeostasis-based restoration of the living malignancy-free milieu. There are many dozens of other methodological flaws in conventional medicine, the totality of which calls for a revamping of the entire field of medicine. The Institute’s book goes into the details.

The Protocol’s Focus

The HIP Protocol’s focus is to address all of the metastatic pathways, in particular via a robust immune system, the microbiota’s healthy diversity, cellular respiration and, inter alia, mitochondria biogenesis and rejuvenation.

Metastasis is key in malignancy. After the tumor cells come to rest at another site, they re-penetrate the vessel or walls and continue to multiply, eventually forming another clinically detectable tumor. This new tumor is known as a metastatic (or secondary) tumor. Metastasis is one of the hallmarks of cancer, distinguishing it from benign tumors. Most cancers can metastasize, although in varying degrees. Basal cell carcinoma for example rarely metastasizes and glioblastomas (brain cancer) stays within the cranium.

When tumor cells metastasize, the new tumor is called a secondary or metastatic tumor, and its cells are similar to those in the original or primary tumor. This means that if breast cancer metastasizes to the lungs, the secondary tumor is made up of abnormal breast cells, not of abnormal lung cells. The tumor in the lung is then called metastatic breast cancer, not lung cancer. Metastasis is a key element in cancer staging systems such as the TNM staging system, where it represents the “M”. In overall stage grouping, metastasis places a cancer in Stage IV.

With conventional chemo-radiation oncology, the possibilities of curative treatment are greatly reduced, or often entirely removed, when a cancer has metastasized. Conventional immunotherapy has shown some success, but also a lot of failure and debilitating auto-immunity and cardiac disorders. More time and experimentation are needed in this field, if only because conventional oncologist are surprisingly getting interested in food and the microbiota, as key bacteria have a say when conventional immunotherapy, in particular immune checkpoint inhibitors, work or not.

On the other hand, in holistic oncology, whose starting point goes back to Hippocrates,  we have been focusing for centuries on the nutritional, immunological, microbiota and cellular respiration systems to boost and harmonize the milieu or what is called today the tumor microenvironment (TME). While some advanced malignancies are more difficult that others, depending on the patient, many have gotten cleared, including metastatic cells. The scientific litterature is replete with hundreds of case studies on cancer “spontaneous remissions” in this field.

There is an ongoing  scientific debate on what constitutes the engines of metastases. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) would be one of these drivers. Metastasis progress via multiple cascade-drivers, including, but not limited to hypoxia,  ultraviolet radiation, inflammation (via the IL 8 pathway, inter alia), epigenetics, chromosomal instability, the tumor micro-environment, blood flow, circulatory tumor cells, angiogenesis, exosome vesicles and  macrophages, which would be the strongest pathway according to Professor Seyfried (observation collected from the ACR Institute’s video interview, part of which will be included in the ACR Institute’s documentary) . (Source)

“Macrophages are one of the most abundant immune cells in the tumour microenvironment of solid tumours and their presence correlates with reduced survival in most cancers. Macrophages are present at all stages of tumour progression and stimulate angiogenesis, tumour cell invasion, and intravasation at the primary site. At the metastatic site, macrophages and monocytes prepare for the arrival of disseminated tumour cells and promote their extravasation and survival by inhibiting immune-mediated clearance or by directly engaging with tumour cells to activate prosurvival signalling pathways. In addition, macrophages promote the growth of disseminated tumour cells at the metastatic site by organising the formation of a supportive metastatic niche. The development of agents inhibiting the recruitment or the protumorigenic effector functions of macrophages in both the primary tumour and at the metastatic site is a promising strategy to improve cancer survival in the future.” (Source)

While not miminizing macrophages and the other pathways, it would appear that exosome vesicles and cancer stem cells (CSCs) are key.  CSCs get attached to circulatory tumor cells (which are a little different from CSCs) in order to metastasize. (Source). They are able to redifferentiate into the community of non lethal health cells. This is one of the goals of holistic oncology.

Different mechanisms the HIP protocol activates

Based on multiple case studies and the ACR Institute’s clinical experience, some of the mechanisms that in part explain the rationale and the holistic reversals of the HIP protocol are based on HIP’s ability to promote apoptosis, necrosis and dedifferentiation of cancer cells, immune system activation, change in the tumor microenvironment where matrix metallo-proteinases and angiogenesis are holistically modulated, dendritic (antigen presenters) cell activation, glycolysis restriction, telomerase modulation & DNA oncogenic suppression. To which we can add Psychoneuroimmunological (PNI) mechanisms, endogenous endocrine modulation and, among a few other mechanisms,  the endogenous angiogenesis inhibition pathway.

The growth of solid tumours is angiogenesis-dependent and angiogenesis is positively regulated by over a dozen angiogenic proteins. A contrario, endothelial growth is inhibited by a group of endogenous proteins including thrombospodin, platelet factor 4 (PF4), IL-6, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP), steroids, proliferin-related protein, endostatin, and angiostatin. Some of these endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors are positively regulated by p53, IFN, and IL-12. O’Reilly et al. showed that human angiostatin, a strong anti-angiogenic cleavage product of plasminogen, can cause human carcinoma to regress to dormancy via a tiny nodule maintained by a balance of apoptosis and proliferation of the tumour cells. (O’Reilly MS, Holmgren L, Chen C, Folkman J. Angiostatin induces and sustains dormancy of human primary tumours in mice. Nature Med 1996; 2: 689-92). This result can be accomplished with Holistic Oncology because this type of cancer medicine strongly modulates endogenous pathways.

When redifferentiation of  malignant cells back to normal phenotype cells can be achieved,  the physiological pathways that is activated is complex as this process involves genomic stability, cell cycling, mitosis and many other biological processes. Yet, the evidence is established that this end-result is possible to achieve holistically.

One of HIP’s most constant biological process is hinged on immunological and cytokine mechanisms in terms of promoting local cytokine release and cellular immune activation resulting in inflammatory necrosis and T-cell mediated apoptosis.

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1. The Detoxification Protocol

Activating  detoxification pathways (metabolic and extrinsic).

Both metabolic and holistic detoxification are fundamental and unifying tools in holistic medicine. In the same way  that Traditional Chinese medicine starts with dispersing (and not tonifying) acupuncture point, in a similar way, holistic healing  must first start with the “less is more” strategy, with the lowering of the  body’s toxicity load, if only because we want to both clean-up endocrine, metabolic and immune signaling pathways and promote the healing crisis mechanism, the one Conventional medicine’s dignitaries choose not to teach.

“Chemicals that store in lipid-rich compartments have the potential for long-term disruption of metabolic and endocrine processes. Given the evidence that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) also alter systemic metabolic, endocrine, and immune system functions, it follows that elevated chemical concentrations in intra-abdominal fat may alter function, through local chemical signaling, of visceral organs.” (Source)

2. The Microbiota-Enhancing Hydration & Nutrition Protocol

Once the major emonctory and drainage organs have completed their detox task, the HIT protocol recommends one of three types of diets adapted to the patient’s genome, constitution, microbiota and health challenges, in this case, the type of cancer, its virulence, spread and nature. Although each of these anti-cancer diets works on common pathways, including, but not limited to the strengthening of the immune-surveillance system and the targeting of  glycolysis, angiogenesis & other cancer pathways, each of them has biochemical specificities, the modulation of which is bilaterally determined by both the patient’s conditions and tastes as well as by the nutritionist counselor. (11)

Food-medecine is usually not enough to  reverse cancer, but it’s an important part of the Institute’s cancer control and reversal strategy and all the more so that food determines the diversity and nature of the microbiota. Bacteria genes cross talk with the human’s genome and the immune system. By not addressing this variable, conventional oncology’s immunotherapies will not be very long term efficient. As for the type of diets that are recommended, the ACR Institute has shown that a plant-based or mostly plant-based (aka improved Mediterranean diet) is best. Each case is unique, if only because patients have different genetic SNPs, methylation patterns, allergies, food tolerances, immune systems with different cancer phenotypes, some of which can be hormone-sensitive. Thus, it is impossible to have a “one-size-fits-all” type of diet. However, there are some general diet principles that are common for all cancer patients. In this light, the ACR institute has been able to map out a precise type of general diet that significantly helps to create a milieu or TME that is hostile to the growth of the cancer cells and favorable to the clearning immune cells. On the terrain, there is a fierce competition-battle for “scarced resources” between cancer cells and immune cells, in particular for the milieu’s nutrients. What types of nutrients exist or don’t exist is therefore relevant and the ACR Institute has spent a lot of time figuring this nutrient composition out.

3. Psycho-neuro-endocrinology, Meditation & Attitude Protocol

Once the body and its microbiota have been been cleansed, remineralized and correctly nourished, the third protocol focuses on stress management and brain-wave regulation. Nurturing emotional wellbeing and spiritual health is too often neglected in the mainstream, hence the poor results in conventional oncology. The evidence that confirms this claim is overwhelming. In this field, the Institute’s team teaches multiple psycho-neuro and neuro-science techniques, from different forms of meditation, to sophrology, visualization, breathing, acu-pressure and tapping, trauma therapy, musicotherapy and mindfulness, the effectiveness of which has been corroborated by many published studies.

Furthermore, an abundance of studies shows that “patient passivity” is often disempowering and lethal. There is evidence that shows that cancer patients tend to be too “nice”, too “forgiving”, too “passive”, not emotionally “inflammatory” or “angry” enough against medical incompetence, frustration and bad stuff.  As a consequence, their immune & microbiota systems dont work as well as those patients who cultivate righteous “anger”. Contrarily to this “saintly nice forgiving at all times anti-cancer personality” that some alternative cancer marketers broadcast, the evidence shows that without being righteously “angry”, it’s difficult to be proactive. Fear-based emotions tend to become stagnant, that which blocks the energy flow, general homeostasis and restoration. Righteous anger is not hatred, it is a releasing of stagnation, of pent -up energy that inhibits “chi”, energy flow, the immune system. For the immune system, the “inhibition of action” is quite deleterious. French Professor Laborit eloquently demonstrated this decades ago. By firmly questioning doctors’ belief systems, dogmas, injustices, corruption and incompetence, intuition, survival instincts and pro-activeness are able to express themselves.

4. Caloric Restriction, Intermittent, Alternate & Partial Fasting in relation to Autophagy

Caloric Restrictions , CR mimetics, time restrictive eating (Intermittent Fasting), therapeutic water fasts and the fasting mimicking diets (the French naturopath Mosséri popularized this technique over 50 years ago) can all favorably modulate immunology,  cancer control and reversal while upregulating the longevity genes, stem cells, rejuvenating hormones and enzymes.  But there are many different conditions that need to be met before this millenia and biblical medicine can be put in place. Furthermore, any kind of dietary deprivation and protein synthesis inhibition should be done under the care of a Fasting expert. For over one hundred years, a large body of medical evidence shows that restricting calories at least 30-50% below average efficiently inhibits aging processes in all species tested. Different molecules like resveratrol and metformin can act as mimitics. When possible, we prefer mixing fasting and-or caloric restriction with the right supernutrients that are all the more needed if the body’s is to clear cancer cells without over-burdening the kidneys and the vasculature.

One of the relevant biochemical happenings that occurs with fasting (food deprivation) is that it promotes Autophagy. Autophagy is the break-down and recycling of intra-cellular debris via the organel called lysosome.  Autophagy so happens to degrades ferritin to facilitate ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is another form of apoptosis, but one that is more interesting in that it activates a better immune response. Autophagy, being a lysosome-dependent degradation pathway can therefore trigger ferroptosis in cancer cells. (Source) Ferritinophagy, the autophagic turnover of ferritin, is critical to induce ferroptosis (Source). The ACR Institute has studied different techniques that can promote ferroptosis in different cancers, some of which are available via coaching sessions and in the Institute’s workshops.

 5. The Inflammation Modulation Protocol

Since Virchow first proposed in 1863 that tumors could originate from sites of chronic inflammation, it has been well established that chronic inflammation both contributes to cancer progression and predisposes tissue to various types of cancer. Experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies have all demonstrated the strong association between chronic inflammation and cancer, and many studies have correlated the prolonged presence of the inflammatory milieu with an increased risk for developing cancer. Proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules, which regulate the sequential recruitment of leukocytes, are frequently observed in tumor microenvironment. These early desmoplastic changes could stimulate fibroblasts and endothelial cell division and produce components for tissue remodeling and neovascularization, ultimately promoting neoplastic processes.

In this part of the protocol, we examine the current understanding of the role of chronic inflammation in neoangiogenesis, tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. Reducing and modulating the fire of excessive free radicals, cytokines and other inflammatory processes are all permament fixtures of the HIP protocol. This general backdrop is important because one of the key drivers of both the aging process and the malignancy process is chronic high-grade and chronic low-grade  inflammation. To function optimally, the body needs some  inflammation, just like it needs cortisol to kick-start the immune and microbiota system’s into holistic action. But too much systemic inflammation (like too much wine) and for too long harms. Dosage and duration are thus key. Likewise with the anger emotion.  A little “righteous” acute anger can be beneficial, while chronic anger is deleterious. (See section above Nu 3). This is one reason we generally prefer to speak about modulating inflammation rather than focusing on anti-inflammatory procedures and substances.

6.  Anti Growth Factors, Angio-genesis & Smooth Vasculature Protocol

Cancer’s goal being the total invasion of the host, the malignancy process activates and-or promotes many growth factors, from IGF-1 and mTOR, to VGF, EGFR, FVGT and many other growth pathways, all of which are inter-connected. Up to 2 millimeters, a tumor can not survive without the activation of angiogenesis, one of the key growth factors. Over 2 millimeters, in general (there can be exceptions),  the vascular angiogenesis system supplies cancer cells with the vessels that are needed for maximum nutrients and oxgyen intake. Contrarily to what many oncologists believe, especially integrative oncologists, cancer cells do require oxygen. This is one of the disputes Professor Seyfried has with Professor Weinberg. Yes,  cancer cells use aenarobic fermentation like primitive cells millions of years ago. But these immortal cells also uses aerobic respiration. (See mechanisms). It is therefore imperative to timely address this hallmark of the cancer process.  The Institute does this holistically.

7.  Anti Glycolithic Pathway Protocol

Cancer thrives on multiple mechanisms, including, but not limited to the glucose and glutamate pathways. Whatever spikes insulin, boosts IGF-1, a molecule that cancer cells need.  Food and supplements can have an impact on this front. Cancer cells are metabolically flexible. Contrary to what Dr Mercola and other keto-paleo advocates  teach, cancer cells also thrive on lipids (especially animal cholesterol) and amino acids.   In this perspective, the ACR Institute recommends Holistic Techniques that target autophagy and, inter alia,  cellular respiration. (Inter alia is legal latin for “among other elements”).

Convention oncology experts tend to refute the benefit of CR mimickers and glycolysis inhibition because T effector cells also need an abundance of glucose and many advanced cancer patients get skinny (cachexia). Furthermore, when glucose deprived, cancer cells can adapt to using animo acids, fats, ketones and other fuel sources. While all of this is not untrue, the ACR Institute has determined that more often than not, engaging the body in holistic caloric restriction while maintaining the Institute’s superfood nutrition program helps even advanced cancer patients who suffer from sarcopenia and other malnutrition issues, provided the patient is compliant to holistic living, enthused about living and under the care of a practitioner who has an abundance of experience with nutrition and caloric restriction in relation to chronic diseases like cancer.

 8. Holistic Anti-coagulation Protocol

Cancer patients are at a higher risk than the general population of developing serious blood clots, including but not limited to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs or pulmonary emboli in the lungs. There is a balance in the body between pro-clotting and anti-clotting activity, but cancer cells skew the balance in terms of pro-clotting, increases inflammation, and compresses blood vessels, all risk factors for developing clots. Treatment for cancer or blood disorders can also affect the balance of pro- and anti-clotting factors, and increased bed rest during treatment may enhance a patient’s risk of clotting. Furthermore, one of cancer’s characteristics is to thicken the blood so that its seeds (via the micro-metastasis pathway) can better adhere and embed within distant tissues, including galectin-3. To this end, the cancer process alters the coagulation cascade as well as the cell’s sodium-potassium pump and dispatches “adhesion” molecules to better colonize distant tissues. In addition to the promotion of metastasis and inflamation, this process also produces clot formation, from which many cancer patients die. It is therefore necessary to correctly address this aspect of the cancer process, if only because too many cancer patients die from thrombosis and pulmonary emboli way before the cachexia phase of the disease.

Workshop on Hormonal and neurotransmitter boosting and balancing as tools to develop more "joie de vivre" (enjoyment of Life). Click picture for details.

Top: red hot peppers, a great way to boost endorphins, immune function and metabolic pathways. Image licensed under cc.

 9.  The Institute’s Immuno-modulation Protocol

The fixing and boosting of the patient’s immune system is paramount.  First, the innate immunity system, then the adapative one. The dendritic “antigen presentation” surveillance system also needs to be fine-tuned as well as the microbiota, the gastro-digestive system, the body’s histamine system,  the Toll-like receptors and the central automatic nervous system. The ACR Institute proposes a unique non invasive holistic approach that helps to block immune check-points, CD 47 and other receptors and proteins that hinder cytotoxic T and NK cells from the clearing of cancer cells. (11 c)

And this can be done without drugs, in a way that does not promote autoimmunity. Many successful cancer patients have restored their killer T cells, dendritic signaling cells, toll-like receptors and other parts of the immune systems so that their immune system can 1) recognize cancer mutation peptides and neoantigens, 2) adapt to cancer cells multiple evasion strategies and 3) promote their elimination via apoptosis and other mechanisms. For this to happen, the right primary and secondary stimulatory signals are needed. The ACRI is working on finding and tweaking these signals holistically.

Moreover, by  restoring the immune surveillance system, the immune system will store the memory of the malignancy. This is a quasi-guarantee against the recurrence of that type of cancer. This also means that if a circulatory tumor and-or cancer stem cell starts to colonize new tissues, the immune surveillance system will send an alert signal to the cyto-toxic T cells, which will move forward to remove cancer cells. In the mainstream, there are multiple experimentations and clinical trials with immunotherapeutics, from immune checkpoint inhibitors to the expensive CAR-T approach, other monoclonal antibodies, viral oncology, (eg using new castle and measel viruses) gene therapy, BCG vaccines and more. But most of these techniques have serious side effects (including autoimmunity) and cancer cells tend to outsmart them and later on, come back.  There are couple mainstream immunotherapeutic techniques that  have shown some success and promise, but it is too soon to ascertain their long term effects. Hence, the ACR Institute prefers its holistic approach, which appears to activate not only apoptosis, but also cell differentiation, ferroptosis, and necroptosis. (11 d) More clinical experimentations are still needed to fine-tune this approach, but so far, anecdotal evidence, case studies, experimentation and basic science suggest that this approach is the safest, the most effective and the least costly.

10. Genomic Stability Protocol: DNA Repair

Cancer genes are relevant and should be addressed. But not as a priority since the genetic process of cancer is downstream to more significant metabolic processes. In this perspective, the upregulating of anti-tumor genes like the P-53 or P-21 (both of which modulate apoptosis, inter alia) and the downregulating (dormancy process) of tumor genes (oncogenes) like the RAS genes are as important as the targeting of repair and longevity genes insofar as cancer control and reversal are concerned.

In terms of  DNA repair,  thanks to innovative and holistic DNA repair activation and to DNA repair enzymes, the discovery of which was recognized by a 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry,  the body’s cells, both healthy and cancer cells, are able to repair defective DNA and alter signaling pathways. The rate of DNA repair is dependent on many factors, including the cell type, the age of the cell, and the extracellular environment. With time, a cell  accumulates a large amount of DNA damage, and can  no longer effectively repair damage incurred to its DNA. As a consequence, it can enter one of three possible states: (a)  an irreversible state of  inflammatory dormancy, known as senescence  (b) cell suicide, also known as apoptosis or programmed cell death (c) unregulated cell division, which can lead to the formation of a tumor that is cancerous. The DNA repair ability of a cell is vital to the integrity of its genome and thus to the normal functionality of that organism. In this mini protocol, we will examine key repair genes. We will also examine innovative and holistic techniques that can enhance DNA repair mechanisms of the good cells while reducing oxidative stress, from the best sleeping, nutritional and lifestyle techniques to the right combination of  micro-nutrients and zinc. With regard to certain cancers,  we will show how holistic savoir-faire can favorably impact over 500 cancer and cancer-suppressor genes.

11. The Transcriptome, Epigenesis, Peptides and Exosomes

The contributions of mRNA sequencing and Epigenetic science have been eye-opening insofar as cancer and longevity are concerned. New discoveries with different peptides and exosomes have also contribued in the determination of a credible  cancer-free rejuvenation program. In this mini-protocol, we will examine what cancer and senescent clearing techniques can be activated from the confort of one’s home.

Stem cell driver

Top, the cancer stem cell driver, a too often forgotten “actor”  in the malignancy process

12. Cancer Stem Cells  and Healthy Stem Cells Protocol

Cancer stem cells have been shown to be one of the central engines  of metastasis as well as one of the best prognosis tools we have. It is therefore imperative to both target and monitor the circulatory tumor and stem cells that are in the bloodstream. While there are presently RCT (clinical trials) on diffferent conventional drugs to obliterate these cancer stem cells, it will take many more years before they are brought to the market. Furthermore, they may be laden with serious side effects. However, holistic oncology already has non-drug tools to remove CSCs (cancer stem cells) from the body.

On the other hand, non cancerous stem cells are quite beneficial for the entire body, including when systemic cancer strikes.  Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are the cells of the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, formed prior to implantation in the uterus. In human embryonic development the blastocyst stage is reached 4–5 days after fertilization, at which time it consists of 50–150 cells. ESCs are pluripotent and give rise during development to all derivatives of the three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. In other words, they can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types of the adult body when given sufficient and necessary stimulation for a specific cell type.  As age accumulates, the body tends to deplete these Master molecules, that which hinders tissue repair. From prolotherapy to tissue regeneration, stem cell differentiation and activation have significantly impacted optimal longevity and cancer control-reversal.

13. Mitochondrial, hormonal and neurotransmitter biogenesis and restoration

The first half of the 20th century produced substantial breakthroughs in bioenergetics and mitochondria research. During that time, Otto Warburg observed abnormally high glycolysis and lactate production in oxygenated cancer cells, (aerobic glycolysis) leading him to suggest that defects in mitochondrial functions are at the heart of malignant cell transformation.  In effect, cancer cells, much like embryonic fetus growth cells (or even parasites) have a predeliction to use glycolysis for ATP production. The high activity of glycolytic pathways in carcinogenesis is one reason for cancer cells to have additional glucose transporters.  On the other hand, healthy cells have a predeliction to use the mitochondia’s oxidative phosphorylation system to produce ATP. Promoting the biogenesis of vibrant mitochondria is thus an important intervention in the HIP’s multi-step Protocol. In this mini protocol we will examine how to monitor and rebalance one’s blood sugar levels and keep one’s insulin receptors as sharp as a merdeces’ spark plugs. Optimizing one’s mitochondria, lipid profile, thyroid function and revitalizing one’s sexual hormones and neurotransmitters are also important for both longevity optimization and cancer reversal.

14. Micro-metastases Protocol

This protocol looks into  anti-mitotic substances as well as  anti-cancer proliferation techniques, from electric regulation, electro-acupuncture, to oxygenation improvement, cellular homeostasis, atp normalization and selective malignant cyto-toxic natural substances that remove metastastic cells while inducing apoptosis among those cancer cells that have been resensitized to this mechanism.

15. Glycoprotein (P-gp) Efflux Pumps Holistically addressed

Transmembrane efflux pumps are expressed by healthy as well as cancer cells and act to clear the cells of toxins. Some cancers ramp up expression of pumps called P-gp, (glycoprotein) and another pump known as breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), in response to anticancer drug therapy. To avoid getting killed, cancer cells  use this built-in defense system and other pathways, including other cells and molecules they recruit. Although the HIP protocol does not use chemotherapeutic agents, some of its proposed supplements, herbs and phytonutrients can have cytotoxic effects cancer cells dislike.  As a consequence, cancer cells’ pumps such as P-gp and BCRP may be all the more expressed. Conventional oncology research has had limited success in blocking the overexpressed P-gp cancer transmembrane pumps. None reached the cancer industry’s market given the toxicity of these synthetic P-gp inhibitors. (Source). (11 e)  Cumulative evidence suggests that it is the Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) that are responsible for this detoxification pumping, how could they not, being the tumor’s central architects. (Source).  Because the ACR Institute’s HIP protocol is successful with regard to the clearing of CSCs, we can infer that this may be in part because the HIP’s herbs (phytonutrients and or phytochemical) sneak into the CSCs without activating the cancer “beast’s” transmembrane pumps. We do have evidence of this  P-gp inhibition from the herbs we propose in the HIP’s protocol. (11 f) This mini-protocol is a back-up tactic in case the immunotherapy and other components of the HIP protocol are not sufficient.

16.  Physiotherapy, Heliotherapy and Electrotherapy Energy Enhancement Protocol

The evidence shows that those who exercise moderately fare better than the cancer patients who don’t. Movement is Life. To energy and immune boosting exercise, can be added massage, lymph activation, spinal adjustment, sacral cranium work, acupuncture, pmef, frequency modalities among other techniques. Brittle bones are often a consequence of both cancer treatment and the malignancy process. The patient needs therefore to strengthen the bones and all the more so that cancer in the bones is a painful process.

17. Oxidative Protocol

Oxygen is a key player in the recovery process. The HIT protocol investigates different modalities of oxygen intake, from the HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen chamber), to ozone therapy, Vitamin C IV therapy (in large dosages, vitamin C acts like a pro-oxidant), the floating chamber, the altitude chamber, to aromatherapy, the Bol de Jacquier technique, breathing exercises and more.

18. Cancer Pain Management Protocol

Inflammation and lack of oxygen via tumor blockages create pain. It is therefore useful to know what integrative and holistic techniques exist to control and reverse pain without depressing the immune system or affecting nefariously other bodily functions.

19.  Cachexia & Sarcopenia  Protocol

As for sarcopenia and cachexia (muscle-wasting), these processes are end-stage cancer hallmarks that can often be better controlled with holistic oncology than conventional medicine. And depending on the patient, prior treatments and the evolution of the disease, cachexia can be reversed.

20. Tumor Lysis Protocol

Tumor Lysis (also called cancer “die-off”) is important because if there are too many necrotic cancer cells in the bloodstream, the kidneys  and immune system can get overwhelmed.

21. Supplementation Protocol

Depending on the cancer and the patient, different supplements, neutraceuticals, mushrooms and herbs can be indicated. In this protocol, we examine which are the most useful and scientifically grounded, in particular for which type of patient and cancers. Genomic individualized testing may also be needed in order to first know how the patient’s genes and proteins will react to a given supplement or molecule.

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Top: Of the same age and fed with the same food, the mice on the left where not radiated while those on the right were. Those on the right considerably aged, many prematurely died and these three that are left at the end of their lives while those on the left are still vibrant. Radiation, like cytotoxic chemotherapy substantially promote accelerated aging via the cellular senescence, DNA mutation and oxidation stress pathways. If used, unbiased Science commands that radiotherapy must be accompanied with integrative and holistic oncology’s anti-oxydant supplements and other tools.

22. Integrative and-or Conventional Adjunctive Protocol

When needed and depending on the patient’s belief system, integrative or conventional techniques can be envisioned. But as adjunctive interventions, this way we first allow the body to holistically restore its signaling networks and cancer defense mechanisms. To first apply conventional weaponry as a major protocol is not holistic, let alone reasonable, giving its damaging and reoccurance effects, including on the immune, nervous, brain, cardiovascular and microbiota systems. Even conventional cancer immunotherapy will not work as well is there is no holistic partnership. Conventional oncologists are finally finding this out with the new discoveries on the microbiota’s role in deciding whether immune checkpoint inhibitors will work or not.

In this field,  low dose cytotoxic chemo and radiation (i.e., chemo-radiation) can be associated  with cancer immunotherapy, hyperthermia, intermittent and-or caloric restriction, prolonged fasting, antioxidants, autophagy modulators, and, among other techniques, botanical-based insulin potentiation therapy (IPT). Allopathic oncology’s cancer drugs can also be safer and more effective in combination, either with other drugs targeting complementary pathways or with neutraceuticals (supplements) and foods. Low dose Naltrexone, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C & K,  DCA, genestein, poly-mva, laetrile, cannabinoids, anti-fungals, and many other molecules and products like metformin and statins can be envisioned in the integrative oncology perspective.  (12) Likewise with genetic and transcriptomic interventions (12 b) For now, I do not recommend the use of cancer immunotherapeutic checkpoint inhibitor therapies because the majority of the patients who get this treatment don’t thrive, worse, many of these patients’ quality of life worsens, including from autoimmunity attacks. (12, c) Exceptions exist and the decision to try these expensive checkpoint inhibitors belong to the patient. But Reason commands that the patient should first try less risky options. An evidence based holistic immune-based protocol can take 3 to 4 weeks to start showing biomarker improvements. Unless there are medical emergencies with regard to very advanced malignancies that necessitate conventional medicine, trying first an approach that is toxic free is more reasonable than trying an approach that is toxic-full and often irreversible.

Only if the holistic protocol were not to prosper would it make sense to try something more invasive, including conventional immunotherapy with adjunctive oncological surgery, low-dose radiation or low-dose chemotherapy, provided the immune system is holistically protected.

Cancer microenvironment

The ACR Institute’s Take on Immune Checkpoints, Conventional Cancer Immunotherapy and immunogenic cell death

Immune checkpoints are an important component of immune responses to keep cytotoxic activity of T cells under control to prevent autoimmunity. Cancer cells exploit this safety mechanism by activating checkpoint components on their cell surface to block T cell activity or by co-opting cells of the tumor microenvironment to establish an immune suppressive environment by dampening T cell responses.

In this perspective, conventional oncology’s checkpoint inhibitors, by blockading these immune checkpoints, they unleash T cells from their inactive or exhausted state to attempt to induce anti-tumor responses (Source). To date, the most prominent examples have been antibodies that block the inhibitory immune checkpoint proteins cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), and PD-1 that are expressed predominantly on T cells, (Source)  or PD-L1, a novel member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, that is expressed on different immune cells as well as aberrantly on tumor cells.  (Source) However,  successful conventional immunotherapy by checkpoint inhibition relies on the natural ability of T cells to recognize and destroy malignant cells. The challenge is that more often than not, T cells attack other innocent cells, inducing serious auto-immunity. Thus, to date, only a select group of cancers and a small  minority of patients with those cancers can benefit from this conventional approach. (Source). Given tumor heterogeneity, variability in cancer type and stage, treatment history, the underlying immunosuppressive biology of the cancer (Source) and a few other mechanisms, conventional cancer immunotherapy, though promising, remains limited in scope as well as risky and all the more so that it is usually accompanied with chemotherapy and radiation, both of which initate new cancer cells and spur the growth of cancer stem cells as well as circulatory tumor cells.

This is why the ACR Institute prefers for now not to recommend this approach in most cases and to opt for the HIP protocol first,  if only because its immunogenic effects modulates not only cancer-associated inflammation, but many other significant pathways that can lead to definitive cures, at a small fraction of the conventional cancer immunotherpeutics costs. Only if the HIP protocol were not successful (and this can be ascertained within 3 to 4 weeks) would it make sense to explore conventional cancer immunotherapy.

Many scientists have called for improved intervention strategies that overcome current obstacles to successful immunotherapy. The discovery of immunogenic cell death (ICD) as a molecularly defined processes that leads to priming and activation of immune cells recently led to a paradigm shift. ICD is characterized by the cell surface translocation of calreticulin (CRT), the extracellular release of HMGB1 (High motility group box 1) and of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). (Source) The HIP strategy is purported to accomplish ICD thanks to its immune-surveillance induction and, inter alia, subsequent cancer clearance. With more experimentation, if needed, the HIP protocol could also be combined with the less invasive aspects of conventional cancer immunotherapeutics. First, we need testing to ascertain if the HIP can be sufficient as a stand-alone. Although we are still far from a unifying theory of cancer, let alone a full understanding of the cellular and molecular of cancer reversals, as of now, accumulating clinical and pre-clinical data evidence suggest that the HIP protocol’s immunogenic effects, including its hyperthermia and nutritional arms, sensitize unresponsive tumors, thanks to which they get cleared.


Top: chromosomes capped with protective telomeres. Image licensed under cc.

The HIP Trial’s Expected Results

Less or No cancer and healthier or extended Longevity within Four to Five Months

From the Institute’s HIP clinical results and research, we expect that within four to five months, most cancers will go away holistically, without any invasive or toxic modality, while simultaneously  activating longevity pathways. This means that many of the patient’s other degenerative conditions will also go away. However, it may take 3 to 4 weeks to see biomarker improvements.

The evidence shows that there are over a dozen biochemical processes and hallmarks that the HIP protocol favorably impacts, from growth hormones, DNA repair to metabolic restoration  via the modulation of the immune system, the reduction of the formation of free radicals in mitochondria, the increase of the stress tolerance of human fibroblasts, the reduction of cellular senescence (with an increase in their doubling time) and much more. Furthermore, our Research proves that the HIP protocol also safely and effectively removes cancer stem cells and micro-metastases, hence the issue of recurrence may be resolved.

Clinical and Financial Superiority with the HIP Protocol

Contrarily to what many alternative and integrative oncology authors and physicians claim, there have been substantial over-all improvements with conventional oncology in terms of quantifiable survival five-years rates.  Over-all, from the worse cancer prognosis like pancreatic cancer to the best cancer prognosis, like testicular malignancy, the average is around 40 percent. While there have been modest improvement for certain solid cancers, (breast, prostate, melanoma, thyroid being a few), for  “liquid” cancers, in particular for leukemia and lymphoma, when these are treated with bone-marrow stem cell transpants, (which is a form for immunotherapy), target & combinational therapies, chemotherapy, radiation and other techniques have averaged around 60 percent for five years success rate. One of the highest rates are pediatric (children) cancers, up to 80 percent “cure” five years rate. However, after the five years cut-off date, most cancer survivors who had conventional treatments have significant side effects, including cancer relapse or the initiation of other malignancies. One JAMA study reported more than 95 percent of late deleterious effects in adults after childhood cancer treatments at the age of 45 years. (Source A & Source B). Another study reported that a majority of early adults may have at least one chronic disease condition attributed to the conventional treatment they had as children. (Source)  Furthermore, the price tag per cancer patient is on average around half of a million dollars. More than a million dollars if the cancer patient qualifies for conventional therapeutics. For example,  most cancer drugs launched between 2009 and 2014 were priced at more than $100,000 per patient for one year of treatment. More recently, prices of more than $400,000 for a year of treatment have been registered. (Source) As a consequence of these increasing prices, according to one recent analysis, some patients may face out-of-pocket costs of nearly $12,000 a year for one drug. (Source)

In comparison, the HIP protocol’s cost would be from 3000 to 20 thousands dollars per cancer patient and if the cancer survivor were to be compliant to a holistic lifestyle and to the HIP recommendations, the cure would be for Life.  In other words, there would be authentic reversals and these patients would be healthy and even partially immune from other chronic diseases and eventually die beyond today’s life expectancy age and from other causes than cancer or cancer treatment long term complications.

So far, observational, preclinical, in vivo, anecdotal and basic science studies confirm the above, that the Institue’s HIP holistic immunotherapy treatment plan would be clinically and financially superior to today’s available conventional and integrative cancer modalities.  However, to better convince the medical community of this, we would need a clinical (human) randomized controlled trial where one control group of cancer patients would be treated with the standard of care, another control group with the integrative standard of care and the treatment group with the HIP protocol.


Contrarily to what some alternative oncology authors say, all medical claims will benefit from being scrutinized and even criticized by peer-reviewing authorities. That is how Science progresses and there are way too many alternative cancer claims that are not supported by the purported evidence that has been invoked. Some alternative cancer approaches can even be deleterious. Just like with many protocols in conventional oncology. So we welcome any and all critical conventional examination, but without the “quackery” epithets that many entrenched, close-minded, reductionist and dogmatic conventional oncologists tend to characterize alternative findings with. For the record, the History of Medicine is replete with innovative breakthrough findings which were at first ridiculized and branded as quackery before being accepted as obvious & good science, from vitamin C for scurvy, to tomatoes, (which were considered to be poisonous for over one century), surgical gloves, cancer heat-based immunotherapy and small amounts of quality wine for cardio-vascular disorders.

The first critical observation we can make with regard to the ACRI’S central HIP approach is that it is not supported with randomized control clinical studies, most of which costs many millions of dollars. We do have sound basic research for each of the 22 mini-protocols that make up the HIP approach, there are multiple cancer testimonials that have used part of this Protocol to reverse their cancer and there are a few Phase I and Phase II trials on different aspects of this general HIP protocol. But Phase I and Phase II trials are usually not randomized. Thus, there is no hard evidence on the totality of the HIP approach that would help to persuade a significant change in the standard of care with regard to cancer medicine. This is why we are first finishing up an evidence-based book on this Protocol and thereafter, we will seek fundraising in order to fund a randomized control clinical trial.

Closing Remarks

In the United States, the legal system requires that a standard of care be confirmed via the expertise of the majority of physicians within a given community. Since most oncologists in the United States have not been trained in most of the HIP’s 22 mini-protocols, including clinical nutrition, fasting, essential oils, heliotherapy and hyperthermia, they will not seriously (honestly) examine the ACRI’s contribution to the cancer challenge. Legally speaking, no  medical doctor can recommend, let alone practice holistic oncology as a stand-alone, the legal system would consider this to be malpractice, based on the “loss of chance” argument.

However, the First Amendment of the US Constitution is still interpreted strictly, in favor of free expression, which remains a requirement for any advance in the Health Sciences. So we can at least teach this HIP approach. Thereafter, it’s up to each cancer patient to use all of it, or part of it, either as a stand-alone or with other protocols, alternative, integrative or conventional. (14) Once the patient is fully informed of all of his or her scientifically-based options, it is the patient’s fundamental right to choose the best course of action, including self-medication, (15) according to his or her understanding and in light of his or her doctors’ recommendations. (16)

As for the ACR Institute, it is our conviction and experience that when the student-patient is sufficiently motivated to be compliant to lifestyle medicine and holistic oncology, more often than not, he or she will witness the  Institute’s Holistic immunotherapy Protocol’s favorable impact on cancer markers. More often than not, the patient-student will also witness that many other chronic disease markers including longevity markers will  also improve. (17) At this point, the cancer diagnosis will become less a  fear-based curse than a meaningful wake-up call and an opportunity to live holistically, with “extra” life extension. These claims are bold and we agree, they do need to be put to the RCT test.

Basic research and experimentation increase our understanding of human  biology, which is foundational to the advancement of new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease, in particular accelerated aging and cancer. Science is an unpredictable and incremental dialectical process, each research advance builds on past discoveries, often in unexpected ways. Most clinical advances would not be possible without the knowledge of fundamental basic research and the exploration of alternative and heuristic pathways.

Pr Joubert (ACR Institute)

To learn about Coaching & Training Sessions, click here.

To view the Institute’s  take on Cancer cells’ Biological Strengths and Weaknesses Click Here

To read the dozens of exhibits that confirm conventional medicine’s and conventional oncology’s limitations and unreliabilit, click here.

Students  will be able to access many key  videos that will teach them key biological processes and newly discovered pathways that spur cancer cells to be who they are and how we can out-wit, with holistic savoir-faire, their formidable conquest strategies.  As a result, coached patients will be more motivated to go  holistic in the direction of greater cancer control and malignancy reversal.

Exhibit A

As we see in the Top Video, cancer cells are extremely “determined” and robust in expressing their genetic mission of conquering the cellular matrix, whatever the difficulty. They will even bleed their nucleus in order to get through the trenches. And when their nuclei explodes and then leaks, they will repair illico presto the damage and continue their imperial tasks. To prevail over such a formidable piece of living entity, we need to fully understand it’s behavior.

While different monoclonal antibody drugs can be successful with regard to the inhibition of immune checkpoints, the ACR Institute is presently exploring holistic and-or integrative ways to enhance these inhibitors and-or directly modulate these checkpoints so that they will give the “green light” to the T cells to go after the cancer cells. Cancer cells have three ways to avoid the immune system, and they may find other ways in the future, so the ACR Institute prefers a more holistic approach.

Text Still under Construction.


(1). The general purpose of this human clinical trial is to show that Holistic Immunology can both resolve most cancers while optimizing human longevity to a supercentenarian status.
(2). NED = no evidence of disease. However, the Institute does not use the same diagnostic markers as conventional oncology. Just because medical imagery and biomarkers dont show traces of cancer cells does not mean there are no cancer cells in the body, including cancer stem cells that can form new tumors within a few months to a few years after the NED diagnosis. Only recently have we uncovered similar biochemical pathways that both aging and cancer share. One of those pathways is connected to senescent cells. These non mitotic cells tend to clogg up and destroy surrounding tissues. They have been identified as a key player in elderly inflammation, cancer and accelerated aging. Normally it is the immune system that clears them. When a patient’s immune system weakens, that person becomes vulnerable to both cancer and accelerated aging. However, it is quite doable to holistically boost the cancer patient’s immunity so that their dendritic cells will recognize both senescent and cancer cells, thanks to which signaling molecules get dispatched to inform the  lymphocyte T Killer cells so seek and destroy cancer and senescent cells, thanks to the selective chemo they have in their back-pack, a chemo that is specific to the cancer and senescent cells and that does not harm the rest of the healthy tissues.
(3). The longest cancer cell alive today is from the 1950s, known as the Hyla cancer cell. Experts call this cancer cell line “immortal”.
(4). Chemoresistance is the name cancer experts give to cancer cells who have adapted to cyto-toxic chemo. Cancer stem cells are known to become more aggressive and invasive when they get blasted with chemo. They will just express new genes which will make stronger proteins that will accomplish it’s mission of invading all tissues. Likewise with radiation. (Source)
(5). As Exhibit A shows, cancer cells are quite robust, to get to their objective, they will even burst their nuclei open and immediatly after, activate their repair mechanisms in order to put everything back in place for the continued charge against the host.
(6).  This year’s (2018) Nobel in Medicine has gone to cancer immunotherapy.
(7). There are still many defects and toxic effects with conventional immunotherapy. See Blog.
(8). This “restore all imbalances” strategy was first codified in Chinese medicine thousands of years ago. The “kill and suppress the diease’s symptoms” model is typically the Western conventional way of thinking and practicing medicine.
(9).  Although To date the exact molecular mechanism by which macrophages recognize and phagocytose tumor cells remains unclear, we nonetheless know that these macrophages do ingest tumor cells. One of the mechanisms by which this process has been partially elucidated is via the  activation of Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathways, thanks to which  macrophages can induce the phosphorylation of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk), which then catalyzes cell-surface exposure of calreticulin. Calreticulin  secreted by macrophages plays a critical role in mediating adjacent tumor cell recognition and phagocytosis. Mingye Feng et al, Macrophages eat cancer cells using their own calreticulin as a guide: Roles of TLR and Btk, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, (2014) Source
(10). Both optimal longevity and cancer reversal have been shown to prosper via these different detoxification procedures Conventional doctors are not trained in targeting metabolic and extrinsic detoxification pathways, from the liver’s gluthione-assisted metabolic detox, to kidney, colon, blood, lung and the skin drainage systems. In this realm, the HIP protocols involves multiple holistic techniques that help to remove toxicants as well as deleterious bacteria, molds and viruses.  Some oncologists like Dr Simoncini (who the Institute has interviewed, link) claim that cancer cells are fungi. While they may adopt some fungi behavior and even contribute to the carcinogenesis process, the Institute has determined that they are not fungi. See link.
(11). Food-medecine is usually not enough to completely reverse cancer, but it’s an important part of the ACR Institute’s cancer control and reversal strategy. The Institute scientists have determined multiple diet varieties within three general diet categories: raw plant-based, vegan ketogenic and the Mediterranean regime. Homeopathic and-or moderate dosage of organic wine with meals is also considered part of the HIT’s clinical nutrition protocol as is vibrant spring alkalinic and structured water. All three of these diets are “paleo” in that they are based on ancestral and evolutionary biology. But meat of any sorts (save wild fish) is not recommended. For those who can afford this test, the preliminary Microbiome  Viome Test will indicate what foods will best feed the microbiota,  which is one of the key players in both cancer reversals and longevity optimization. If the  patient can not afford this test, we sill use either a simple stool test or clinical observation.
(11 b).  There are different variants of the Mediterranean lifestyle reputed to enhance chronic-diseased free longevity, from France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Maghreb, (North Africa) Machrek (in particular Lebanon and Syria), Israel and Turkey. The Institute’s team has taken the best nutritional techniques from these culture and fine-tuned the Med Diet to an improved version that promote cancer-free longevity.
(11 c). CD47 is ubiquitously expressed in human cells and has been found to be overexpressed in many different tumor cells.  High levels of CD47 allows cancer cells to avoid phagocytosis despite having a higher level of calreticulin – the dominant pro-phagocytic signal. This is due to engagement of the SIRP-α of macrophage by CD47. Engagement of SIRP-α leads to inhibition of phagocytosis. Thus blocking CD47  turns off the “don’t eat me” signal and favors phagocytosis. To this end, Conventional oncology scientists are working on an antibody. This Anti-CD47 antibody can initiate an antitumor T-cell immune response. We believe that the HIP protocol can also enable macrophage-based phagocytosis of cancer cells as well as the activation of cancer-specific lymphocytes. Although the ACR Institute needs more experimentation and the proposed clinical trial to ascertain the degree of effectiveness of the HIP’s immunotherapeutic effects, the up-to-now evidence suggests that cancer cells can be safely and effectively cleared holistically.
(11 d). Necroptosis is a programmed form of necrosis, or inflammatory cell death. Conventionally, necrosis is associated with unprogrammed cell death resulting from cellular damage or infiltration by pathogens, in contrast to orderly, programmed cell death via apoptosis. The discovery of necroptosis showed that cells, including cancer cells, can execute necrosis in a programmed fashion and that apoptosis is not always the preferred form of cell death. Furthermore, the immunogenic nature of necroptosis favors its participation in certain circumstances. In addition to being a response to disease, necroptosis has also been characterized as a component of inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, myocardial infarction and cancer. Necroptosis is specific to vertebrates and may have originated as an additional defense to pathogens. Necroptosis also acts as an alternative “fail-safe” cell death pathway in cases where cells are unable to undergo apoptosis, such as with certain cancer cells or during viral infection in which apoptosis signaling proteins are blocked by the virus.
(11 e). Overexpression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, in particular P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a hallmark in cancer. There are currently no approved drugs available for clinical use in cancer chemotherapies to reverse MDR by inhibiting P-glycoprotein.  To our knowledge, none  have passed clinical trials with cancer patients due to their high toxicity, inter alia.
(11 f).  Naturally inhibitory effects of plant compounds towards P-glycoprotein are more promising than conventional oncology’s synthetic compounds because they  are frequently less toxic than chemically synthesized substances and work synergistically. So for those who want chemo, it would be better to use natural P-gp inhibitors rather than the Industry’s synthetic ones.
(12). The science that comes out of Academia, Bio-tech companies’ R & D, the government’s cancer research centers are often relevant in terms of better understanding cancer’s diagnoses, its mechanisms of action and even regarding cancer control interventions.  But what the Industry chooses to invest in is necessarily selected, first and foremost in terms of profitability. Thus, the proposed double-blind based “standards” almost always extend time without fully reversing the malignancy.  As a consequence, it is reasonable to use the best of the two worlds. Conventional science to better understand cancer’s behavior and to control cancer growth in conjunction with holistic tradition and wisdom in order to know what intervention can be the best standard of care for the patient and the reversal of the malignancy. As for the more conventional and somewhat invasive targeted therapies, in exceptional circumstances, these techniques can also be envisaged. Anti-angiogenesis targeted drugs like avastin, or growth factor inhibitors like Herceptin (e.g. HER2 + for breast cancer) or EGFT blockers, check-point inhibitors and CAR therapy, among others techniques that can as a last resort and-or as adjunctive care be considered when the more holistic and less invasive primary treatments fail.
(12 b). Browner, WS; Kahn, AJ; Ziv, E; Reiner, AP; Oshima, J; Cawthon, RM; Hsueh, WC; Cummings, SR. (2004). “The genetics of human longevity”. Am J Med 117 (11): 851–60
(12, c). “…of all patients dying of cancer in America this year, how many might benefit from a checkpoint inhibitor drug? We assumed the best-case scenario: that every patient with one of these cancers could afford the drug and get access to it. The answer was just 8 percent. We also ran the numbers another way by setting a lower bar for success, and credited these drugs for any patient whose cancer did not grow substantially during follow-up. Even with that adjustment, the estimate was less than 10 percent.” (Source)
(13). While conventional oncology has been more successful with the “liquid” cancers (e.g. lymphomas and leukemia), it has over-all failed with the safe and efficient control and reversal of the “solid” cancers, which constitute the vast majority of malignancies that affect humans. Resistance to chemotherapy and molecularly targeted therapies have been major problems facing cancer research and praxis decades. The mechanisms of resistance to  conventional cytotoxic chemotherapeutics and to therapies that are designed to be selective for specific molecular targets share many features, such as alterations in the drug target, activation of prosurvival pathways and ineffective induction of cell death. (Source). But in the end, most advanced cancer patients tend not to survive relapse. For the last couple of years, there has been another form of cancer therapy that has been brought to the marker. These are called immunotherapeutics. These immune-based treatment drugs are known as checkpoint inhibitors. It’s been shown that they  can sometimes restore T cells’ ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells. The risk with this type of treatment however is that it can trigger excessive immune responses against healthy tissue. Furthermore,  current immunotherapy drugs work for only a small subset of patients like melanoma patients. The newest type of treatment, chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy, involves removing a sample of T cells, genetically reprogramming them in the laboratory to attack cancer cells and putting them back into the body. So far, CAR-T has been most successfully used to treat blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma. Here, too, there is a risk of overstimulating the immune system and causing inflammation of healthy tissue.
(14). There are many other aspects to cancer control and reversal that can need prompt attention, one of which is the repairing and-or correcting of allopathic oncology’s damages, when possible, from cancer wounds that don’t heal well, to traumatizing surgeries, to radiation fibrosis, to chemo brain fog, to immune and gut destruction and cancer stem cell spread etc. Depending on the drug used, ROS (ie, reactive oxygen species)  or autophagy can favor or inhibit the applied treatment. Therefore a potential new way of cancer treatment might be to include antioxidants or autophagy inhibitors to inhibit cytoprotective ROS-induced autophagy during the course of treatment. Cf. Poillet-Perez L1, Despouy G1, Delage-Mourroux R1, Boyer-Guittaut M2. Redox Biol. 2015;4:184-92. Interplay between ROS and autophagy in cancer cells, from tumor initiation to cancer therapy. Redox Biol. 2015;4:184-92.
(15). With the patient’s pro-active upbeat attitude, he or she may be able to control and reverse the malignacy, even advanced cancers, with less invasive and more holistic, safe, efficient and cost-friendly techniques, the monitoring of which is crucial. (See ACR Institute diagnosis and monitoring tests for different tests). Given cancer’s exponential growth, time is of essence, therefore, regular monitoring is important, including, but not limited to the monitoring of circulatory cancer stem cells, as they are responsible for micro-metastases. This way, when we see good lab results, we can feel confident that the chosen protocols are working. Everyone one is different, therefore an individualized approach is important.
(16). With well-designed  holistic and metabolic cancer protocols, cancer patients can expect a  50 to 100 percent survivability success rate, defined as at least five years of remission, with few if any deleterious and toxic effects. See Blog.
(17). In this perspective, what is. striking with supercentenarians (above 110 years) like Jeanne Calment and hundreds of others is that they all nurture a rich-community like village entourage where stressors are very low. Having escaped acquiring Society’s common chronic diseases that un-necessarily kill millions of Americans each year, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes, these centenarians and supercentenarians eventually do succumb, but not to cancer. These supercentenarian usually die from Senile Systemic Amyloidosis or a related amyloidosis that alters proteins,  which start to stick to the inside of blood vessels thereby restricting blood flow and creating inner havoc. (Source)   The mechanism by which amyloidosis progresses involves a slow process in which a native protein called Transthyretin, which transports thyroid hormones to the body, becomes increasingly unstable. As humans age and-or cease to maintain themselves holistically, the carrier protein begins to unravel and misfold, sticking to the inside of blood vessels and restricting blood flow in different organs. (L. Stephen Coles, Robert D. Young, Supercentenarians and transthyretin amyloidosis: The next frontier of human life extension, Preventive Medicine, 2012). This degenerative process can be compared to the metastatic malignancy process. Conventional medicine has been unable to reverse any form of amyloidosis. On the other hand, the ACR  Institute’s expertise team has accumulated compelling evidence that shows that this disease can also be better controlled if not reversed with innovative science and advanced holistic medicine.

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