Wine Therapy Workshop

“Whether wine is a nourishment, a medicine or a poison is a matter of dosage” Paracelsus 


Workshop Description

“Light or moderate alcohol consumers compared with lifetime abstainers were at a reduced risk for mortality from all causes”. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017   (Source)

Grapes (with their nutrient-dense seeds) have been a near perfect food for over 22,000 years and have more protein-coding genes than the 22,000 eukaryotic genes humans have. And wine potentiates this unique genome in a way that is powerfully therapeutic and spiritually satisfying. So please, let us refrain from characterizing wine as the Government does, as “alcohol”. (1)

“The study showed that wine connoisseurs who praise the “complexity” of Champagne and Burgundy wines are spot on:pinot noir has around 30,000 genes in its DNA, compared with 20,000-25,000 in the human genome.The grape had more than a hundred genes dedicated to creating the tannins and terpenes that give wine its rich flavour, twice as many as other plants. The team published its findings in the journal Nature yesterday. Pinot noir is the first grape, and the first fruit, to be genetically mapped..”. (Source)

What will the Workshopee learn ?

The workshop student will learn how to taste, pair and appreciate wine as well as how to use wine to activate neuro-genesis and many healing and longevity pathways. With at least two or three wine tastings during the workshop day, interspersed with power point presentations, the workshopee will learn how wine can be a holistic tool in one’s medicine tool box. From wine as a health-promoting aromatherapy tool as well as a health and longevity elixir, we will also learn how wine can be used to avoid and treat many serious diseases, from cancer, hormonal problems, dentistry issues and digestion disorders to coronary vascular diseases, hormonal problems, diabetes, obesity, carotid arteriosclerosis, atherogenesis (2) cellular senescence, accelerated aging and amyloidosis  three forms of which are Alzheimer’s, Huttington’s and Parkinson’s diseases. ( 3)

1. Introduction

Wine’s history, from the ancient past and Christianity to today. Why all of the hyped news about the alleged deleterious effects of wine ? From flawed studies (that use wines with glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metals etc), financial interests, to dogmatic fanaticism, cultural bias and ignorance, the causes are numerous, but the bottom line is always the same: Wine drinkers who sip quality and traditionally made wines moderately live much healthier and much longer those who abstain from wine. (Source) As a result, the Government wine label should read: “Not drinking quality wine lightly or in moderation  constitutes a serious risk to your health & longevity”.

2. Viticulture

How to grow organic vine plants and why synthetic-based  conventional viticulture should be if not outlawed, at least  avoided.

3. Vinification

The major steps to making good quality wine with three to ten times more resveratrol and other polyphenols than mainstream wine. The bottling of wine.  The fermentation process. The bonification process, which can take years before a wine will be ready for consumption. A word on Pasteur.

4. Why is wine much more than “alcohol”

Wine’s composition and health promoting molecules. The art of pairing wine with food, herbs and other elements of a healthy lifestyle for maximum bio-availability and longevity activation.

5.  Different types of wines and legal compartmentalization and classifications.

What are the most therapeutic and life extending grape varieties ? Some of the best “millésimes” (vintages or years) ? The issues relative to wine glasses, wine quality, wine dosage, wine pairing, wine chronobiology (when is the best time to drink wine). As a stand alone. And with food. How to tell and smell the great from the less great ?

Human olfactory system. 1: Olfactory bulb 2: Mitral cells 3: Bone 4: Nasal epithelium 5: Glomerulus 6: Olfactory receptor neurons: Picture licensed under CCLynch.

6. Anatomy and physiology of the human smell (olfactory) and taste systems.

Many nerves are responsible for transmitting taste and smell information to the brain, including, but not limited to the trigeminal nerve fibers in the tongue. For wine to be safe and effective as a holistic healing technique, these smell and taste pathways and their receptors need to be in good shape.

6.1. Detoxification, Drainage and Genomic pathways.

To fully benefit from wine’s virtues, it’s best to activate the body’s detoxification and drainage pathways. Likewise with the expression of certain genes. Analysis of SNPs affecting the wine experience.

7. Wine as medicine

Wine’s beneficial effects on many diseases. Review of the epidemiological, in vitro, in vivo and clinical evidence that wine’s biochemistry is good medicine, from having beneficial digestive, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, hormonal, antiplatelet aggregation, arterial tension, anti peptic ulcer, anti respiratory infections, anti gall stones, anti kidney stones, anti age-related macular degeneration, bone density, anti oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory properties to cardiovascular, neurological and anti-cancer protection activities thanks to which the good cholesterol (HDL), nitric oxide and longevity genes can be better activated. Different super-nutrients in wine, from pygnogenol, quercetin to anthocyanins and hundreds other health promoting compounds. (4)

7.1. Cardio-vascular diseases, cholesterol and wine

Cases studies. The French Paradox.

7.2. Central nervous system and neuro-degenerative diseases.

The art of Growing new neurons with quality wine. Case studies.

7.3. Regulator of blood sugar and wine. Case studies.

7.4.  Hormone Regulation and Wines

Wine as an aromatase inhibitor (thanks to which the bad estrogens are better recycled) and wine as a hormonal and neurotransmitter modulator.

7.5  Wine as a digestive tonic.

7.6. Wine, a probiotic food for the microbiota

7.7. Wine for oral hygiene and as a wound healing technique.



Summary of the Institute’s Five Wine Tasting Phases

7.8. As an anti-cancer tool. Case studies.

7.9. Wine as a longevity elixir. 

The Mediterranean Tradition.  (Resveratrol-rich wine has been shown to induce the expression of several longevity genes including, but not limited to Sirt1, Sirt3, Sirt4, FoxO1, Foxo3a and PBEF).

8. Wine as aromatherapy, gusto-olfactory sensitizer and polyphenolic carrier.

From the nose’s cerebral receptors to the human genome’s activation.

9. Wine balneotherapy and skin rejuvenation.

10. Wine as a culinary ingredient. How to prepare longevity Mediterranean meals with wine.

11. Wine as a social and bonding tool.

The testosterone boost is dose-dependent.

12. Wine and Education

Bad quality & polluted (with toxins) wine, wine abuse and how to control and reverse alcohol addiction and transform an alcoholic  addict into a wine health enthusiast in three easy lessons.


Top: Wine’s concentrated and bio-activated resveratrol molecule: Question: In what wine is the resveratrol content the highest ? Answer in the workshop.

10. Conclusion

Is light to moderate quality wine an essential “food” ?  Is it’s absence hazardous to public health ? Should American medical doctors prescribe wine-therapy ? Should the Government public health experts re-think the wine health-promoting issue and ban glyphosate and other pesticides & heavy metals that seep vineyards ? The future of oenology, wine medicine and olfactory-driven neurogenesis.

Coaching Services

Pending the availablity of this workshop, interested students are welcome to schedule a coaching session, at which point they will be able to read one the Institute’s “Health and Longevity Wine Medicine” E-book.



Top image: The “odorat” and gusto-olfactory-brain pathways


(1). Calling wine “alcohol” is like calling spinach “arsenic” or bitter almonds, “cyanide” or French people “frogs”.  Alcohol is a natural molecule that has been part of evolutionary biology for millions of years, it is synergistically part of an ensemble that has potent healing and longevity effects, as long as it is taken in moderation, in the right circumstances and produced in healthy soil with traditional vinification techniques. As a consequence, the Government’s public policy makers should rewrite the wine “warning” label, inform the People of the health and longevity benefits of wine, provided it is of good quality and taken in moderation.
(2).  Because monocyte adhesion to the endothelium is crucial in early atherogenesis,  it has been shown that both olive oil (rich in in oleuropein) and red wine polyphenols and resveratrol beneficially affect endothelial–leukocyte adhesion molecule expression and monocyte adhesion. As we will see, the combination of olive oil and red wine antioxidant polyphenols at nutritionally relevant concentrations transcriptionally inhibit endothelial adhesion molecule expression, thus partially explaining cardio-vascular benefits and atheroprotection from red-wine rich Mediterranean diets. Among other sources, see Martinez-Domingues E, de la Puerta R, Ruiz-Gutierrez V. Protective effects upon experimental inflammation models of a polyphenol-supplemented virgin olive oil diet. Inflamm Res. 2001; 50: 102–106 and Iijima K, Yoshizumi M, Hashimoto M, Akishita M, Kozaki K, Ako J, Watanabe T, Ohike Y, Son B, Yu J, Nakahara K, Ouchi Y. Red wine polyphenols inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell migration through two distinct signaling pathways. Circulation. 2002; 105: 2404–2410
(3). Granzotto A, Zatta P. Resveratrol and Alzheimer’s disease: message in a bottle on red wine and cognition. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 May 14;6:95.  (Source)
(4). Anthocyanins are responsible for the colors in fruits, and they have been shown to have potent antioxidant/anti-inflammatory activities, as well as to inhibit lipid peroxidation and the inflammatory mediators cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 and -2. Red wine have an abundance of these molecules and it has been shown that they are rapidly absorbed in humans. (J Nutr Biochem. 2009 Jul;20(7):521-9).
“Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do”. Ecclesiastes 9:7
Top: A detailed inspection of the wine’s “robe” by a Maître de Chai,  France has historically been the Nation that has expressed the most value to wine as a health elixir. The country that has the most vineyards and wine production for a long time has been France which produces wine all throughout France, wherever it can grow, in quantities between 50 and 60 million hectolitres per year on average, or 7–8 billion bottles.  Recently it went down to 46 million hectolitre, but France still came out as number one: (Source) French wine traces its history to the 6th century BC, with many of France’s regions dating their wine-making (or “vinification”) history to Roman times, albeit without the mercury the ancient Romans added to wine to sweeten it.
“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” (1 Timothy 5:23)
Instructor: Pr. Joubert: Biogerontologist and wine expert (having been trained at Bordeaux’s wine school under the direction of Émile Pénaud).
Ten hours of power point presentation with dégustation (tastings). Possible to distill this working into a three hours power point presentation and a one hour tasting.
Date and location: (To be determined)
Price: (To be determined)  (which includes tastings, power point presentation and hand-outs)
Copyright (c) 2019: Medicinal Wine Institute,. All rights reserved.
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