Reports Protocol (bis)

ACRI’s reports delve  into the latest and most reliable evidence-based anti-cancer strategies that are hinged on non invasive holistic, integrative and innovative techniques that help to control and reverse both solid cancers (carcinomas, sarcomas, blastomas and the like) as well as liquid malignancies (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myoloma and the like).

Each report is also accompanied with a spectrum of “options” coming from conventional, integrative and holistic oncology as well as traditional medicine

All Options and Opinion Cancer Reports are individualized according to the client’s situation, uniqueness (genome, microbiome, cultural specificity) and wishes.

Three hours of coaching comes with this package. Sometimes more, depending on need.

The price will vary according to the complexity of the case, how much time it may take to resolve the issues under consideration and the client’s financial means.

For low-income clients who are in difficulty and who have proof of their subsistence and hardships, a negotiated sliding scale can be established. When the Institute will be more prosperous, we will have free access to these reports via special scholarships for the needy.

To read our Price policy, click here.

To buy a report, please send us a request in the form below and also email us (address in the contact link). It would also be useful if the client could email the relevant details relative to the health challenge under consideration. A summary of the primary doctors’ diagnoses and proposed treatment plan (s) (including relevant assessments from specialists) would also be helpful. If we believe we can not be beneficial for the case under consideration,  we will let you know.

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
These reports are informational, observational and scientific reports based on the latest evidence of what is safe, effective and cost-friendly. They are akin to a legal memorandum. They do not replace competent and personal medical advise with the client’s health-care provider.  They are  meant to be a tool to help the patient and the patient’s health-care providers and oncologists with relevant options they may not know about. In this way, the patient’s informed consent is better secured.

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