Advanced Medical Organizations
International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP)
Directory of IPT and integrative cancer physicians in the United States and around the world.
Oncology Association of Naturopath Physicians (OncANP)
Naturopathic physicians specializing in naturopathic oncology. OncANP initiated a credentialing process for naturopathic doctors in 2006.
National Center for Homeopathy
Directory of physicians who take an integrative approach, tailored to the individual situation: (1) post treatment recovery, (2) preventing recurrence, and (3) symptom relief in terminal situations and an improved quality of life for as long as possible. Homeopaths determine remedies that fit the particular patient at a particular point in time.
Cancer Control Society
Holds a large annual conference with more than 50 speakers on alternative cancer treatment. This conference is for professionals and the public. Presentation videos available on-line. Offers a “green sheet” with alternative physicians and a “white sheet” with patient testimonials.
The Annie Appleseed Project
Features information on natural therapies and substances, lifestyle issues, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) from a patient’s perspective. Features a yearly conference for the public.
The Cure Research Foundation
An additional source for information on alternative treatments, integrative practitioners, and open-minded oncologists. Provides a partial list of clinics inside and outside the U.S.
Alternative Cancer Doctors and Clinics
Source of many health articles. Partial directory of practitioners U.S and worldwide.
“Information and support service for lifesaving alternative cancer therapies and complementary cancer treatments.”
Center for Advancement in Cancer Education
Providing research-based education on how to prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle, and other immune-boosting approaches.
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
“The voice of integrative medicine.” This long-established organization is focused on advancing the cause of integrative medicine and disseminating cutting edge information on the prevention and remission of disease. Also has a substantial directory of natural practitioners.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
“Non-profit medical society committed to educating physicians on the cause and effect relationship between environment and ill-health.”
Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine
“FAIM disseminates information on new frontiers in science and medicine and encourages adoption of cost effective therapies through global networking, conferenblishing books, and internet website postings.” Under the “Investigations and Activities” tab, click CANCER.
Cancer Tutor
A grassroots website with information on alternative and natural approaches to cancer.
People Against Cancer
A grassroots website describing treatment options for people with cancer.
Integrative Health International
Integrative education to help prevent, heal, and reverse the deadly effects of cancer.
Features a yearly “Cure to Cancer” summit for the public.
Breast Cancer Fund
Its mission is “to expose and eliminate the environmental causes of cancer. We can stop this disease before it starts.” Has a free, downloadable report, “State of the Evidence,” that is updated periodically and is an excellent source of environmental considerations for cancer.
Breast Cancer Choices, Inc.,
“A nonprofit organization scrutinizing and reporting the evidence for breast cancer procedures and treatments.”
The Gerson Institute
A non-profit organization in San Diego, CA, dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. They have clinics in Tijuana, Mexico, and Hungary.
Eat to Beat Cancer
“Founded in 1994, the Angiogenesis Foundation is the world’s first nonprofit organization dedicated to conquering disease using a new approach based on angiogenesis, the growth of new capillary blood vessels in the body.” Find information on cancer fighting foods based on the latest medical science.
Life Extension Foundation
“Global authority on nutrition, health, and wellness.” A good source of tests you can order without a doctor’s referral. Partial directory of doctors with an interest in innovative and alternative therapies.
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)
A non-profit organization “dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research, and activism” and teaching the optimum characteristics of human diets.
The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF) You had this under biological dentists, I moved it up to this section.
“A non-profit education foundation committed to reversing the trend of declining health in our modern world. We teach both the public and health professionals the proven principles from nutrition pioneers Weston A. Price, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., and other leading health experts.” Provides a directory of healthcare practitioners who are PPNF members.
Food Matters
On-line nutritional information: DVD’s, videos, detox, recipes, clinics, juicing, etc.
Established in 1997. This site provides articles and videos on current health related research and topics.
Insulin Potentiated Therapy
Cancer Clinic Tours
Cancer Control Society – Tijuana Clinic Tours
Cancer Health Tours – Available by Appointment
Biological Dentistry
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
Members promote the use of mercury-free dentistry and therapeutic approaches. Check out the short video entitled “Smoking Teeth” which demonstrates the release of mercury vapor from amalgam fillings. (Smoking Teeth video)
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
Directory of network of dentists committed to integrating body, mind, spirit, and mouth in caring for the whole person.
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
Directory of network physicians and allied health professionals who acknowledge the whole body effects of dental materials, techniques, and procedures. Members are committed to fluoride-free, mercury-free, and biocompatible dental materials.
Huggins Applied Healing
Dr. Hal A. Huggins discovered that standard dental practices, such as root canals and the use of mercury fillings, is the cause of many unexplained diseases and symptoms. Find a dentist utilizing the famed protocol of Dr. Huggins.
Talk International
“The source for the mercury toxicity issue since 1997.” Discusses health concerns about mercury and fluoride. Provides an international directory for holistic dentists, mercury free dentists, and biological dentists as well as a partial directory of holistic physicians and alternative health care practitioners in the U.S., Canada, and the Bahamas.
310-208-1158 or 888-708-2525
Books and Reports
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease – On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer
By Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, 2012
Cancer – Step Outside the Box
Ty Bollinger, 2006
Cancer Free – Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing
By Bill Henderson and Carlos M. Garcia, MD; 2006
Beating Cancer with Nutrition
By Patrick Quillin, 2005
German Cancer Breakthrough
The world’s first English language guide to German cancer clinics.
By Andrew Scholberg, 2008
Cancer Breakthrough USA!
A guide to outstanding alternative clinics.
By Frank Cousineau with Andrew Scholberg, 2007
Adios! Cancer
How the rich and poor alike beat cancer at clinics south of the boarder; available as a book and digital download.
By Frank Cousineau and Andy Scholberg, 2010
Stage Four Cancer Gone!
By Shirley Williams, Release summer 204
Defeat Cancer Now: A Nutritional Approach to Wellness for Cancer and Other Diseases
By Tamara St. John, 2013!books/cnec
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