Testimonials 2


How Shannon healed stage 4 breast cancer with alternative therapies

My friend Shannon Knight has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice since 2006. The first time was stage 3. The second time was stage 4. And she reversed it with hardcore nutrition and integrative therapies. You’re gonna love her story…

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She healed stage 4 breast cancer with nutrition in 1982 then won the Iron Man

Dr. Ruth Heidrich healed stage 4 breast cancer with nutrition in 1982. Since then, she’s won more than 900 trophies, 6 Ironmans, and 67 marathons. And she’s 80!

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She healed cancer with raw food then ran 366 marathons in a row!

Janette Murray-Wakelin is one of the most remarkable cancer survivors I have interviewed to date. In 2001, she refused conventional treatment and healed aggressive breast cancer with a raw food diet. Then in 2013, she and her husband Alan (both in their 60s) ran around the entire continent of Australia. This involved running a marathon every single day for 366 consecutive days. In the process they broke and set a new world record. And they were exclusively fueled by raw fruits and veggies. These grandparents put my level of fitness to shame. Enjoy!

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How Elaine cured her stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma

Ladies and gentlemen, here is yet another chemo-free terminal cancer survivor to add to the list, my friend Elaine Gibson! She and I both spoke at the Cure to Cancer Conference in 2014 and I had a chance to sit down with her and get her story on tape. Enjoy!

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Joyce Healed Stage IV Lymphoma With Gerson Therapy

Joyce refused chemotherapy and healed stage IV non-Hodgins lymphoma with Gerson Therapy in 2005!

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How Veronique healed breast cancer in 2005

Here’s yet another fantastic interview from the Cure to Cancer Conference… It’s my friend Dr. Veronique Desaulniers! aka Dr. VShe’s the author of a brand new book out this week called Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast CancerWe discuss these 7 Essentials in our interview as well as a controversial alternative cancer therapy that she used. The infamous Black Salve. Enjoy!

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How Linda healed breast cancer naturally in 2005

Diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in 2005 at age 50, Linda refused conventional therapies and chose natural therapies to heal her breast cancer.

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How Julia healed her breast cancer naturally in 2000!

Julia Chiapetta refused conventional treatments and healed breast cancer naturally in 2000. Check out our interview from the survivor couch at the 2014 Annie Appleseed Conference.

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Melyssa chose natural therapies to heal thyroid cancer in 2009

In this video interview from the Annie Appleseed conference, Melyssa explains why she chose natural therapies for thyroid cancer. This is a terrific story of her healing journey. She totally rocks it.

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How Ursula healed stage 4 ovarian and uterine cancer naturally

Ursula Kaiser was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian and uterine cancer in 1999. Here’s how she healed it without chemo or radiation.

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Healing pancreatic cancer naturally after treatment failed

Kay’s courageous story of how chemo nearly killed her and how she used nutrition to heal stage 4 pancreatic cancer! (Updated January 2017!)

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Teenager Megan Sherow heals brain cancer with raw food

17 year old Megan Sherow and her mother Maria share the amazing and inspiring story of how she healed brain cancer in three months by converting to a raw food diet instead of undergoing treatment at St. Jude. Megan is smart, funny and bursting with life. And as you will see, she and her mom are quite the pair. This was such a fun interview. You. will. love. it.

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David refused chemo and healed leukemia naturally

Terrific video interview and post by David Lingle in which he explains how he used nutrition to heal his CLL leukemia with an 80% raw plant-based diet.

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How Ivelisse healed stage 4 colon cancer with mistletoe

Here’s a terrific new interview with 5-year stage 4 colon cancer survivor Ivelisse Page. Like me, she refused chemo after surgery and adopted a natural protocol which included hardcore nutrition and injections of mistletoe (aka Iscador). Watch this interview!

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How to heal Hodgkins lymphoma with nutrition: 5 year follow up with Kevin & Cortney Campbell

Cortney Campbell is a chemo-free Hodgkins lymphoma survivor since 2008. Long time readers may remember that hers was the first natural survivor story I shared back in 2010. So I thought it would be fun to shoot a follow up video with her and her husband Kevin at the Healing Strong Conference in Atlanta this past weekend.

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Ann Cameron Cured Her Stage 4 Cancer with Carrot Juice, Nothing Else

My name is Ann Cameron. On Tuesday July 30th, 2013 I had a CT scan for malignant tumors in my lungs. On Thursday August 1st 2013, I got the results: “No evidence of cancer.” I firmly believe carrots cured the cancer.

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Monique Norton healed her breast cancer in 1992!

In 1992 I was told the hard 1 1/2″ lump in my breast was cancer. But God was telling me in my heart, “Monique, cancer does not kill. Fear does!” – and there began my journey into discovery of exactly what this lump represented, and how to fight it. Today, 21 years later, I am a fit 72 year old!

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Ralph Cole cured his cancer with carrot juice in 2006

In 2005 I had metastasized cancer tumors, primarily in my neck, and was told I needed surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Before my surgery I was advised to juice carrots by the wife of a friend, a woman that had cured herself of ovarian cancer. Chemo and radiation didn’t work. Carrot juice did!

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Ashlie’s breast cancer miracle and radical diet change

Ashlie Sanders tells her incredible story of a miraculous healing of breast cancer and the radical diet change she adopted to stay well.

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Earnie healed leukemia & brain cancer with veggies & vitamins

Hi Chris, I hope your story & mine can help to get the word out to as many people as possible. I have tried my best to tell friends & loved ones about this, but they don’t believe me. Sadly I have had family members who refused to even try it, thinking it was not true. They only believed what their doctor said about chemo & radiation, and they passed away within a year after being treated with chemo & radiation. I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2000, and all I was told was that it was related to bone cancer where it starts in the bone marrow. Here’s how it started…

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Suzan Macco, R.N., C.N.H.P., L.D.H.S. Breast Cancer, Stage 2 Diagnosed April 27, 2007 Hearing the words “you” and “have cancer” in the same sentence was overwhelming. I couldn’t process it. It’s an unimaginable shock. Why, when I was promoting natural health, would I get cancer? Why me? It was frightening for sure. But I started […]

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Jeffrey: Chemo-free testicular cancer survivor
since 2009

My name is Jeffrey and I had stage 3 testicular cancer. I was diagnosed Feb 25th 2009. I had my first surgery to have the cancerous testicle removed on the next day. I went to the local cancer hospital (Roswell Park) on March 3rd to confirm I was cancer free. That day I was told I had a second tumor that was roughly 7 inches by 4 inches in my abdomen. I was given 2-6 months to live. My wife was pregnant with our triplets at this time and the Dr.’s kept telling me that I was never going to see my babies be born. I was officially cancer free April 20th 2010.

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