ACRI’S Holistic Immunotherapy Longevity Trial (H.I.L.T) for Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Thrombosis (C.A.T)

The ACR Institute is organizing its first fundraiser via FB. Part of the collected funds will go into organizing the Holistic Immunology Trial (HIT).

Trial’s Objective

This human clinical trial’s objective is to show that intelligent Immunology, what we call holistic immunotherapy, can holistically, without toxicity and in a cost-friendly way, control and reverse most malignancy growths, most Alzheimer processes and just about all cardio-vascular and thrombic diseases while optimizing the human longevity genes and epigenetic pathways to a supercentenarian status. (1)

Trial’s Mission & Justificiation

Cancer has a keen code, it is the only cell that has mastered the art of extreme longevity. Even non mitotic senescent cells have not fine-tuned this evolutionary leap in life extension. Both cancer and senescent cells are responsible for most of human’s chronic diseases as well as accelerated aging. When we dig deep, we find that multiple biological pathways are responsible for both debilitating diseases and rapid aging, including, but not limited to a eroding immune system. (2) Research has already amply proven that the clearing of senescent cells mitigates many chronic diseases associated with aging. (3) However, when senescent cells are cleared, cancer cells tend to fill in the void. (4) We therefore need a Protocol that  can target both the underlying pathways of aging and the engine of malignancy growth..

Mechanisms of Action targeted with the HILT Procol

The mechanisms of action that appear to be responsible for both most chronic diseases and accelerated aging are as follows: Chronic Inflammation Oxidattive stress, Genome instability, Cellular and Immune Senescence, Nutrient Sensing Deficiency, Mitochondrial dysfunction, Epigenetic stress, angiogenic misfoldment, mb,  Telomere shortening and Stem cell depletion.


Chronic disease and aging one…unified…no high tech..state of the art monitoring… not gene expre…upstrea…metabolic…more HILT, better..

diet mid carb…high carb

MB, yoga.. see avator film 500 genes 3 months… raise awareness…one year… bufer effect of community…stress balkburn.. perceived stress of pa caregiver… simple change…sun….ext family.. env clean.. love comfy…diet..exer…med

History of the HILT Procol

The ARC Institute’s holistic medicine retreat center in France has used the Joubert Protocol that precisely addresses these pathways. Pr Joubert has also used this Protocol in the US. Almost each time, it was observed that both chronic diseases get reversed while aging slows down.

Historic Need for the HILT Protocol

We therefore need a prospective intervention study in the form of a human clinical trial to confirm that most chronic diseases and accelerated aging are the result of not applying holistic savoir-faire. The present status of cancer conventional research continues to be misguided, even with the present immunotherapeutic innovation. ( ) At least Nobel laureats Allisson and. have shown that when the immune system is perfected, it can do it’s job of clearning cancer cells. ( ). But for most cancer patients, this approach does not work well, nor does it address the senescent cells. If we can prove with an overwhelming preponderance of the evidence, like in this trial, that a Holistic immunology Longevity protocol can both mitigate and revolve most chronic diseases while promoting healthy lifespan, we will save trillions of dollars that can be taken out of the sick-care system and inoculate in a sustainable and holistic system that will secure a healthy and long lifespan for most people.

Originality of Trial


Statement of Purpose

The ARC Institute’s HIT trial’s purpose  is to show via case studies, prospective studies and human clinical trial that both cancer and senescent cells can be cleared by a robust immune system that is holistically restored and epigenetically tweaked in a way that is consistent with evolutionary biology. Bottom line: we all have been endowed with the gift of  cancer-free long lifespan genes.

The Trial’s central Hypothesis

Will two years of the HILT   Protoco

The Feasability of the Study

For the last twenty years of so, we have hard evidence that humans can reach 122 years without contracting cancer and most of the other diseases of aging, Alzheimer’s Disease including. (1) We also have compelling evidence that aging pathways can be significantly delayed while longevity genes can be strongly activated. (2) When longevity is optimized, just albout all inflammed-driven chronic diseases start their reversal journeys. (. ) Furthermore, this year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine was devoted to cancer immunotherapy.

The Methodology The Holistic Immunotherapy Trial: (HIT)

Two groups of patients will be recruited.

1. Group A: 20 advanced cancer patient who also have a diagnosis of dementia and-or Alzheimer as well as some form of cardiovascular challenge that can lead to thrombosis. This will use the HILT protocol two times a year and continue part of its nutritional and holistic program at home.

2. Group B. 20 advanced cancer patient who also have a diagnosis of detention and-or Alzheimer as well as some form of cardiovacular challeng that can lead to thrombosis who will only use the conventional approach.


21 holistic meals…fiancing for free for 20 people for two years…cost

Lab work costs

Group not in bed ridden… advance cancer, but, ideal stage 2 or 3…mestatsis one…

Find in France

If enough money, caregiver

check finger study

Ornish study

16 years…medicare virtuous circle..vers blackburn, bredensen…ornish…game changer tests, less stiffness

Supplements few if any

3. At the end of of 6 months, biomarker measure.

4. Demonstration made.

Twenty non advanced can in the control group. Twenty advanced cancer patients

will be recruited to partake in five retreats of twenty-one days each for five years. This will take place at the Holistic Pyréean Center in South France. (3)

The holistic immune-modulation program can be seen via mouse click. Its cancer protocol can be found via this link. And the Optimal Longevity protocol can be read here.

The recruited patient will spend 21 days a year in the mountains enjoying a metabolically-based immunity enhanced holistic program, hinged on fasting, nutrition, exercises, meditation, breathing, oxygenation, heat, supplementation, detoxification, oriental techniques, among other techniques that are taught at the Pyrenean Holistic Wellbeing Center.

All of the patients’ relevant biomarkers will be taken during the first day of each five retreats. Follow up labs will also be taken at the end of the 21 days each year in order to show significant improvements with major bodily functions and biological markers. (4)

Central Hypothesis

We hypothesize that all of the twenty cancer patients will significantly regress, if not disappear within the first year for many and within five years for most. We will take all types of cancer patients, with different cancers in order to show that cancer is ONE disease. Even though each cancer has its specificity in terms of  symptomatology, we have identified a few mechanisms that are common in all cancers. By tweaking these mechanisms with holistic savoir-faire, we will show that cancer goes away while longevity is extended.

How will we prove that longevity branch of the HIT protocol ?

We will show that the HIT protocol is effective in mammals whose lifespan are much shorter than humans. Like that of a mice, three years. By doubling the mouse’s lifespan, we will be able to extrapolate that this doubling can also be done in primates and humans.

Five years is still a good amount of time to show that the major biomarkers of aging will have gotten down regulated while the markers of longevity will be  strongly activated.

It is quite feasible with both the telomere and epigenetic clocks and other longevity biomarkers to measure a person’s biological age. ( )

Scientific Backdrop

Only recently have we uncovered similar biochemical pathways that both aging and cancer share. One of those pathways is connected to senescent cells. These non mitotic cells tend to clogg up and destroy surrounding tissues. They have been identified as a key player in elderly inflammation, cancer and accelerated aging. Normally it is the immune system that clears them. When a patient’s immune system weakens, that person becomes vulnerable to both cancer and accelerated aging. However, it is quite doable to holistically boost the cancer patient’s immunity so that their dendritic cells will recognize the cancer and its lymphocyte T cells will destroy them. Evidence hereinafter.

Top:  A real cancer cell being neutralized by a no less real Killer T-Cell


Dr Ornish et al have also used a holistic protocol to reverse early prostate cancer. The ACRI’s protocol is designed to follow up on this study thereby going to the next level. Showing that it’s also possible to reverse advanced cancer while prolonging longevity

Type of Clinical Trial

This Trial will be without randomization (1) and without Phase One, (on Safety) given the absence of risks  and toxic side effects from holistic non invasive lifestyle medicine. For a quick briefing on clinical trials, click here.

Expected Results

We expect significant improvements in both the clinical and the biomarket settings. By increments, starting from the end of the first 21 days.

Update on Longevity research with senescent cells



(1).  Once we show this to be true, most State agents and their lackeys (Big Pharma being one)  will try to suppress holistic happenings like ours, just like homeopathy and naturopathy were suppressed in the 19th century.

This situation is to be expected because the State bureacratic apparatus and its official allopathic medicine is addicted to deleterious parasites. The State as it is today can’t persist without diseases and conflicts. Hence, this Human Trial seeks to prove that over 95 percent of humans can achieve at least 110 years of age with few if any chronic conditions.

All that is missing is State recognition and new Laws that

All that is missing is State recognition and new Laws that

(2). Immune system controls both cancer and senescent cells.

(2). Hayflick…

(3). Other

(1). 50 to 70 haflicks..

(1). In addition to their high costs, in the conventional system, the clinical trial process can take 5 to 10 years, and by that time, cancer research usually has made that clinical trial object obsolete, this is one of the reasons why the majority of clinical trials are stopped during their course or not followed through. Furthermore, much in holistic oncology works via health interventions which can not be put in a randomized double blind trial (Phase 3) because the patient knows what she or he is doing (eg, heat therapy, juicing, exercises etc). This is why we have proposed to skip the randomization  phase.

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2018  (C). Advanced Cancer Research Institute and agents. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this educational website is to be construed to be medical advise.

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