Gustave Roussy Institute looks into the Metabolic pathway of Cancer

The Gustave Roussy Institute is France’s largest and Europe’s premier integrated cancer centre devoted to patient care and research and teaching. The conference hosts were its Dutch director-general, Alex Eggermont, professor of oncology at Paris-Sud University; and Bernard Escudier, who was a cardiologist before moving into renal oncology as a head of department at the institute.

One of the conferences drivers was  Air France captain Jean-Jacques Trochon.  In 2003, doctors diagnosed Trochon with aggressive stage 2 kidney cancer. Doctors did a scan and found a 7cm kidney tumour. Within 24 hours, surgeons had removed the tumour and kidney.

His doctors expected metastases (cancer spread) within months and advised chemotherapy and radiation. Trochon  adopted  aregimen of a ketogenic diet, supplements and fasting, which he still follows. Trochon’s medical team, which now includes Escudier, supported his decision. Source)

Pr. Joubert (ACR Institute director)

Evidence that Nigella Sativa (black seed oil) is clinically superior to many cancer drugs.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this educational blog should be construed as medical advise
2016 (c). Advanced Cancer Research Institute and agents. All Rights Reserved

Professor Joubert teaches how to extend a healthy cancer-free Lifespan to 122 years thanks to safe, efficient and cost friendly breakthrough protocols. Working on a documentary and book that redefines Medicine in light of ancient wisdoms, innovative research, holistic science and new discoveries with regard to quantic, microbiota et epigenetic findings, he can be available to coach patients back to homeostasis, wellbeing, Joie de vivre and healthy supercentenarian aging.

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