Tumor therapy with Amanita phalloides (death cap): stabilization of B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia.

Molecular events that cause tumor formation upregulate a number of HOX genes, called switch genes, coding for RNA polymerase II transcription factors. In tumor cells, RNA polymerase II is therefore more active than in other somatic cells. Amanita phalloides contains amanitin which has been shown to inhibit RNA polymerase II. Partial inhibition with amanitin influences tumor cell–but not normal cell–activity.
To widen the treatment spectrum, homeopathic dilutions of Amanita phalloides, containing amanitin, were given to a patient with leukemia. Monitoring the leukemic cell count, different doses of amanitin were given.
The former duplication time of leukemic cells was 21 months. Within a period of 21 months, the cell count is stabilized to around 10(5)/μL. No leukemia-associated symptoms, liver damage, or continuous erythrocyte deprivation occur.
This new principle of tumor therapy shows high potential to provide a gentle medical treatment, if only because of the therapy’s cytotoxic selectivity. Human clinical trials would be warranted.
J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct;16(10):1129-32. doi: 10.1089/acm.2010.0035.
Tumor therapy with Amanita phalloides (death cap): stabilization of B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia.
Top: Picture of European Amanita Phlloides (Death cap)
Photo Attribution: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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Professor Joubert teaches how to extend a healthy cancer-free Lifespan to 122 years thanks to safe, efficient and cost friendly breakthrough protocols. Working on a documentary and book that redefines Medicine in light of ancient wisdoms, innovative research, holistic science and new discoveries with regard to quantic, microbiota et epigenetic findings, he can be available to coach patients back to homeostasis, wellbeing, Joie de vivre and healthy supercentenarian aging.

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